Choosing the Best Foundation Contractor

Whenever a homeowner faces the task of choosing a repair contractor for a service he has never needed before, how can he make a right choice? How can he be as wise as possible in selecting one?

There very few foundation contractors that can handle settlement issues. Their business should be credible more than beautiful. How can you tell?

Check for Licenses and Insurance

One doesn't need a license to repair foundations. It's important to assure yourself that the contractor has workman's compensation insurance. If not, and one of his employees gets hurt on the job, the liability for the incident could be your responsibility as the homeowner.

Check with BBB

Call the Better Business Bureau. Check the complaints, if any, along with the frequency of complaints, types of issues, and whether the contractor responded promptly and credibly. Almost every business over time will have a complaint or two along the way. Study the pattern.

Verify the Contractor's Experience

Ask about experience. Everyone has the right to try a business, but you're not obligated to be a test case. Ask for customer references. Its even better if you can find others besides the ones he presents to you. Sometimes a quick Google Places search or visit to Yahoo! Local can give you some insight.

Ask an Engineer

They know the good ones and the other ones. They are a great resource to identify the better, or ever the best, contractors for your needs.

Check into their Repair Products

Is the contractor a supplier of a manufacturing pier company that designs and thoroughly tests their product? There are contractors that build piers at a job shop where there's no testing, no assurance of quality materials, no certified welders, and no adequate design parameters. Get a properly manufactured pier.

Is the contractor a verifiably certified installer of the proven name brand pier? Credible suppliers certify and test their installers. You need one that, at least and preferably surpassed, all company requirements.

Does the supplier have a proven product, one that meets independent standards and codes? Will the product do what the installer and manufacturer says it will do? How can you know?

As of now, there is only one national standard for reliability. It was established in 2007 and called the ICCES AC358 Acceptance Criteria for Helical Foundation Systems and Devices. It is a rigorous, independent study that assures that you are getting exactly what the manufacturer claims. It can't be over sold or misrepresented. Either you have it or you don't.

Any contractor that can pass these criteria is not a "fly-by-night" operator and is worthy of your business.

Whenever a homeowner faces the task of choosing a repair contractor for a service he has never needed before, how can he make a right choice? There very few foundation contractors that can handle settlement issues. They are a great resource to identify the better, or ever the best, contractors for your needs.

Is the contractor a supplier of a manufacturing pier company that designs and thoroughly tests their product? There are contractors that build piers at a job shop where there's no testing, no assurance of quality materials, no certified welders, and no adequate design parameters.

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